Introducing Kindship Group, a New Full-Service Agency with a Mission to Help Purpose-Driven Businesses Grow for Good


Media Contacts:
Jamie Lamonde, 608.606.0105;
Molly Gaines, 612.720.0556;

Introducing Kindship Group, a New Full-Service Agency with a Mission to Help Purpose-Driven Businesses Grow for Good

Organic food industry marketing veteran handpicks supergroup of strategists, developers, writers, researchers, engagement experts and designers to service clients

(March 4, 2021) Kindship Group, a full-service agency, launched today with a mission to help purpose-driven businesses grow for good. 

Organic food industry marketing veteran, Jamie Lamonde, handpicked a supergroup of top talent from across the country — business and marketing strategists, brand mavens, researchers, designers, writers and engagement experts — to service clients who want partners with similar values, deep expertise and the creative mindsets to help fill gaps in their marketing departments.

"It's been a long-time dream of mine to merge my passion for helping mission-driven, organic and sustainable businesses with the passions of other amazing people I've collaborated with throughout my career," said Lamonde. "Kindship Group is united in our shared purpose to do good in the world through how we work with our clients and how we position and promote their work.

"Our entire team brings a heart-centered approach to our partnerships with socially conscious businesses and brands. We are dedicated to helping organizations and entrepreneurs succeed in order to transform our collective culture for the better."

Kindship Group team members have experience on both the client-side and client-service side of business. Given this, the group understands how challenging it can be for mission-based businesses with gaps to quickly find and integrate an agency that "gets" them. 

Kindship Group serves as a natural extension of a client's team and operates with a client-first, transparent and "right time, right service" approach. The agency scales with its clients, recommending only the strategies and services in a client’s best interests and budgets. 

Kindship Group offers A to Z strategic development, marketing and communications capabilities that allow the agency to "plug and play" with partners in whatever capacity is needed. Team members get up-to-speed quickly and can work on behalf of a client's specific, short-term needs or longer-term goals.  

Following are the most common ways Kindship Group engages with clients:

Market research, data and analysis, competitive review, consumer and customer persona development

Strategic Development
All phases of strategic planning, go-to-market, organizational development, culture development

Strategy, naming, identity, architecture, positioning, brand refreshes

Brand, websites, packaging, collateral, digital, motion, video, advertising, media campaigns, in-store

Communications & PR
Strategy and planning, key messaging, media and influencer relations, media training, crisis communications, internal communications

Content & Social Media
Strategy and planning, content creation and curation, campaign development and execution, social media platform and community management

SEO, UX, paid advertising planning and management

Shopper Marketing
In-store experience, retail promotions, retailer programs

Creative direction, design and layout, pricing strategy, ISBN and barcodes, printer selection, production management 

Assessments, sustainability strategy and action plans, reporting

Many Kindship Group team members also lead their own boutique agencies focused on their respective areas of expertise. By working together, Kindship Group is able to offer its clients more robust services and a deeper bench of strategy and support. Kindship's Creative Director, Gage Mitchell, owns and leads Modern Species. His agency focuses on strategic branding and responsible design and is based in Olympia, Wash. Casey Nifong, Kindship's digital director, owns and leads Mountain Laurel Digital in Asheville, N.C. Her digital marketing agency focuses on building brands for a better tomorrow. Molly Gaines, Kindship's director of strategic communications and engagement, leads Pollinator Communications, based in Denver, Colo. She helps mission-based businesses effectively craft and tell their stories. 

Not only does Kindship Group serve mission-driven companies, it is a mission-driven company. That’s why the agency launched Doing Good, a program that embodies the values shared by Kindship Group team members.

Through Doing Good, the agency supports nonprofit organizations in five areas: 1) Organic Farming & Food Justice; 2) Climate Justice & Resiliency; 3) Youth Empowerment; 4) Inclusivity, Diversity & Equity; and 5) Women & Children’s Health.

The first initiative of Doing Good is the agency’s Art Activism Market. Through this market, Kindship Group partners with artists and makers to sell artwork that financially sustains causes around the world. The first piece of artwork in the market is a print by artist Kate Alyse Clark titled, “Fondness”. Twenty percent of the revenue of each print sale will be donated to The Solutions Project, an Oakland-based nonprofit committed to no less than 100 percent renewable energy access for 100 percent of people.  

In their work together and with their partners, Kindship Group seeks to embody qualities they value most in order to maximize positive impact in the world: gratitude, heart-centered leadership, empowerment, going the extra mile, and approaching their work with an abundance mindset. For more information about the team, what they do and how they collaborate, please visit

To discuss how Kindship Group might work with your company, please email or call 1-888-716-2125.
